Tips For Effective Rodent Control In Wilmington

Up close image of a Norway rat inside a home

In North Carolina, two types of rodents are common problem causers for home and business owners. These rodents are rats and mice. While one of these rodents might infest your home, you will likely never experience both at the same time.

Roof rats and Norway rats are two common species in the area. Roof rats are large, growing between 12 to 16 inches in length, including their tail. Besides their excellent climbing skills, roof rats have pointed noses, large eyes, and large ears. They are dark brown or black with some gray hairs and a light color underbelly. While other rats prefer to nest on ground level, roof rats like to nest in trees. They can also enter homes along the roofline, building nests in attics.

Compared to roof rats, Norway rats are long and heavy, ranging between 14 to 17 ½ inches long, including their tail. Unlike roof rats, Norway rats nest at ground level and will infest basements and crawl spaces. They have a bi-colored tail, rounded blunt nose, small ears, and small black eyes. Norway rats have shabby black and brown fur and a lighter color underbelly. 

On the other hand, mice are much smaller, ranging between 5 to 7 inches with their tail included. House mice are the most common home-invading species with their large round ears and pointed noses. Their tails are scaly, and they have grayish-brown to blackish fur and a lighter color underbelly. 

Although these two types of rodents vary in their description, they are attracted to similar factors and can be prevented using the same tips. Keep reading to learn more about how to control rodents on your Wilmington, North Carolina property effectively. 

What Attracts Rodents?

The rodents listed above have become dependent on humans after centuries of living alongside people. Because of this, rodents have become accustomed to the easy access residential homes and businesses provide to food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, this means that any home can be susceptible to a rodent infestation if it provides those three necessities.

However, you can use this knowledge to help you prevent rodent infestations by following these three tips:

  1. Remove Food Sources: Keep your kitchen crumb-free, deep clean cabinets and under heavy appliances frequently, take the garbage out often and use bins with secure lids, and store food in air-tight containers.
  2. Remove Water Sources: Fix any leaking pipes or faucets on your property.
  3. Remove Nesting Sites- Keep the interior and exterior of your home clutter-free.

How Do Rodents Get Inside?

Rodents only need small holes to slip through to get inside a home or business. For mice, this hole only needs to be about the size of a dime, and for rats, the size of a penny. While this can make it more challenging to prevent them from getting inside, you can try these two tips:

  1. Remove Entry Points: Inspect the exterior of your home, from foundation to the roof, for cracks, fill in the gaps around utility lines, use chimney and vent covers, and make sure tree branches aren’t touching your roof.
  2. Remove Outdoor Harborage Areas: Keep woodpiles stored, remove excess foliage, and keep your yard clear of debris.

The Best Form Of Rodent Protection

When it comes to keeping rodents away, the best thing you can do is receive ongoing assistance from professionals. Contact the experts at Jay Taylor Exterminating for rodent exclusion and prevention.

With over 80 years of industry experience, Jay Taylor Exterminating is the best choice for your home pest control needs. Keep your Wilmington, North Carolina property pest-free by giving us a call today!